Special Events for 2024

Facing the uncertainties of our 2024 schedule…

Our museum experienced two major flood events over the winter of 2023/24. Portions of the line were washed out. Portions of the boarding platform were either undermined or washed away completely. Our gift shop and ticket office were filled with mud from the flood waters. As of early May it wasn’t entirely clear when would complete the necessary repairs and resume operations for 2024.

Our special events involve cooperation with other volunteer organizations who contribute their time and resources to the success of these events and the enjoyment of the public. As of our spring 2024 Board meeting we were still assessing the flood damage and unable to commit to an operating schedule for the season. Due to an abundance of caution we reluctantly decided to not schedule any of our popular special events for the 2024 season.

We wish to thank the many volunteers who stepped up to make repairs and allow the 2024 season to go forward. Hopefully the Sandy River will stay within its banks and allow us to fully return to our normal operations in the 2025 season.